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  • Polis accepts submissions of writing and art from anyone who would like to share their creative work. If you have original art or writing, give us a shot.

  • Polis publishes the following literary genres: fiction (short stories, flash fiction, novel excerpts if they stand alone), nonfiction, and poetry.

  • Polis also publishes visual art.

  • There are no restrictions on content or theme.

  • Submitting a work is not a guarantee of publication. The board and staff of Polis determine what will be published.

  • Polis does not accept anonymous submissions.

  • Polis does not accept third-party submissions. Writers and artists must submit their own work. They must also correspond about editorial decisions with our staff themselves. Polis will only discuss submissions with the creators of the works, not with parents, teachers, mentors, or friends.

  • Polis will make surface edits as necessary. If we believe content revision is necessary, we will not make those but will contact the author with recommendations.

  • If a work is selected for publication, Polis retains First North American Serial Rights; however, all rights revert to the author upon publication. You are free to publish it wherever you can after that.

  • Polis is unable to pay contributors.

  • Polis is published in the Spring semester of each year.

  • General submissions are open year-round, although response time will be longer when classes are not in session. Submit to  


Polis will consider fiction of 2,500 words or less. We will consider any genre but lean heavily in favor of literary stories (character driven rather than plot driven and exhibiting attention to craft and style). We do not consider fanfiction. Please remember to write FICTION in the subject line.


Polis will consider creative nonfiction (personal essay, literary journalism, memoir) of 3,000 words or less. Polis does not publish academic essays.
  Please remember to write CREATIVE NONFICTION in the subject line.


Polis will consider poems of any style. Poets may submit more than one at a time. Please remember to write POETRY in the subject line.


Polis will consider visual of all kinds, including art photographs taken with phones.

Please remember to write ART in the subject line.


Send all submissions to polisliterary@gmail.comIf you send a Google Doc, make sure your share setting allows anyone with the link to read and edit the document. 


Please include a short (50 words max) bio written in the third person (a little bit about yourself, including, if you have one, your affiliation with CVCC). If you would like a picture to accompany your bio, please include a head shot.

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